World Science Day commemorated

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: In connection with commemoration of World Science Day (WSD) for Peace and Development, a very graceful event was held.
The event was jointly organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Standing Committee for Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH), the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS), ECO Science Foundation (ECO-SF) and Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) on the theme of importance of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development.
The theme of the WSD -2022 has been decided by UNESCO within the celebrations of the year 2022 as “International Year of Basic Sciences” kicked off on July 8, 2022.
Prof. Dr. M. Iqbal Choudhary, Coordinatir General, COMSTECH, Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman, PSF, Prof. Dr. Tasawar Hayat, Secretary General, PAS, Ambassador Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, Executive Director, COMSATS, and Dr. Youssef Filali-Meknassi, Director, UNESCO Islamabad shared their views with the mixed gathering of scientists, students, science managers and general public.
In addition, a panel discussion was organized as part of the WSD celebrations, wherein top notch scientists including Prof. Dr. Zabta Khan Shinwari, Prof. Dr. M. Aslam Baig and Dr. Nazeer Muhammad and Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig highlighted the role of basic sciences for national development.
Prof. Iqbal welcomed the participants and panelists and gave a brief talk on the importance of Basic Science and shared his personal experiences.
He highlighted the role of COMSTECH for promotion of basic sciences among the
Islamic world including scholarships for science students and a number of
other programs.

Dr. Baig, while addressing the audience, highlighted that the Basic sciences
are key of scientific advancement and PSF is utilizing more than 30% of its
budget for supporting research in the fields of agriculture, water
resources, energy, environment, and many others. He informed that two mega
projects have been initiated by PSF-MoST
namely “Launching of STEM in Pakistan”, under which STEM FabLabs will be
established in 50 High Schools of the country and the “Science Talent
Farming Scheme (STFS)” mainly meant for motivating the young generation
towards science education.

Dr. Tasawar Hayat threw light on the needs of basic sciences for sustainable
development and shared his experience and highlighted role of PAS for
development of science in the country.
In his speech, the Ambassador Dr. Nafees Zakaria highlight that the COMSATS
is an intergovernmental organization of 27 developing countries, and has
been promoting science and technology through a variety of initiatives
related to capacity-building; collaborative research and development; and
exchange of knowledge, experiences, good practices and technological
resources among the member countries.