‘World sees Indian abuses in IoK’

DM Monitoring

BEIJING: The international community is now more aware of the fact that India has seriously violated human right in IIOJK as result of diplomatic efforts of Pakistan and many other countries in the world, said Cheng Xizhong, senior fellow of the Charhar Institute.
In a statement issued here on Thursday, Cheng said, nowadays, through the diplomatic efforts of Pakistan and many other countries in the world, including the United Kingdom, the international community is now more aware of the fact that India has seriously violated human rights in IIOJK that evoked international condemnation.
Cheng Xizhong, who is also visiting professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, said not only many Muslim countries in the Middle East, but also many human rights organizations in world powers, including US, have begun to voice their strong support for the Kashmiri people’s unremitting struggle for self-determination. He said, there is an old Chinese saying that a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little.