Writer Mustafa Afridi reveals meaning of Sang-e-Mah

By Abid Usman

Sang-e-Mah is a very different story with a Shakespearean influence to it. With complex characters and intricately woven storyline, Sang-e-Mah is being appreciated for its writing as much as it is being appreciated for its performances. Mustafa Afridi is the mind behind Sang e Mah and he has also written Sang-e-Mar Mar, the first story in the sequence before this.
Mustafa Afridi revealed the meaning of Sang-e-Mah. It is known now that the stone that Hilmand wears on his ring is named as Sang-e-Mah. What is a surprising revelation is that stone is not originally called Sang-e-Mah but Hajr e Qamar. Mustafa Afridi invented this new name for the stone in line with the title of his previous drama Sang-e-Mar Mar.