WTO member countries urged Pakistan to expand its exports

FAISALABAD: In the Fifth Review of Pakistan’s Trade Policy, WTO member countries have urged Pakistan to expand its exports to other commodities and sectors to achieve sustainable export targets. Can be done Atif Munir Sheikh, President, Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry, while welcoming the decision, said that the business community of Faisalabad had long been aware of expanding the scope of exports and that is why the Faisalabad Chamber Last month, a three-day Pakistan Economic Conference was held with the aim that Faisalabad traders and industrialists should focus on the development of sectors other than textiles. He said that as a result of this conference many other sectors including IT, plastics and poultry have come to the fore in which there is a huge potential for growth and export growth. He said that Pakistan’s growth record in IT exports was 47% so immediate attention should be paid to this sector and after this successful three-day conference, Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry will now hold one-day conference which only TK will be affiliated with the sector. Furthermore, admission will be completely free so that our educated youth can demonstrate their skills in this sector and not only get decent employment for themselves but also earn valuable foreign exchange from its export. Can also earn He said that this conference would be designed in accordance with world standards in which the best experts of the country would give lectures. In addition, side meetings should be arranged in which students and young experts can discuss their individual issues and concerns.