Wuhan hospital ready for remote treatment

Wuhan: The SARS treatment-model Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Province which will officially receive coronavirus patients from Monday, can conduct remote medical treatment.
China Telecom completed the information-based system for the hospital within 12 hours, including a hospital information system, long-distance treatment devices, 4G and 5G signals.
To speed up construction, China Telecom has installed an optical cable in Zhiyin Lake behind the hospital, allowing it to operate remote medical treatment via video with the People’s Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing.
A unit of 1,400 army medical staff will be responsible for medical treatment starting on Monday. The hospital will mainly treat confirmed patients.
Workers, trucks and excavators were racing against the clock to meet the Sunday noon deadline at construction sites.
Some confirmed patients with the coronavirus will be transported to the hospital at night, according to the Global Times reporter in Wuhan on Sunday. The hospital is composed of independent second-floor buildings. Each floor has 100 wards. Every two inpatient wards have a room designated for medical staff. To ensure medical staff do not get infected when taking care of patients, each ward has a window, installed with a glass door, used to deliver medical devices and materials, according to China Central Television.
The 419-ward, 1,000-bed hospital has a total construction area of 60,000 square meters, of which 34,000 square meters are a quarantine area.
Devices include oxygen systems, sewage treatment equipment, indoor and outdoor medical devices and a feces digestion tank.
The Huoshenshan Hospital is a replica of the SARS treatment-model Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing, which was built in 2003.
Another hospital in Wuhan, Leishenshan Hospital, is expected to be completed on Wednesday.
More such hospitals are popping up across the nation as the central government mobilizes more medical resources to contain the virus outbreak. The government in Huanggang, a city neighboring Wuhan with the second-largest recorded number of novel coronavirus infections, has also built a Xiaotangshan-like hospital.
Meanwhile, dozens of bulldozers and cranes are working on a 3,000-square-meter plot of land for a hospital to isolate and treat patients infected with the coronavirus in a suburb of Fuzhou, South China’s Fujian Province.
A similar hospital in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province is also under construction, the media reported.
In the face of the resolute battle against the deadly novel coronavirus outbreak, many internet platforms have launched a special channel in real time to dispel rumors which triggered irrational behavior by some Chinese internet users. Chinese experts said rumors have been stirred by people’s excessive psychological stress reaction, death anxiety and herd mentality. The People’s Daily, tech giant Baidu, Chinese mobile healthcare app Dingxiang Doctor and government authorities have opened online channels to dispel rumors to help the public identify if circulating gossip is true or fake in real time. The tool developed by the People’s Daily had countered 140 rumors as of press time. – The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item