Xi asks World to work together for co-governance

-Delivers speech at CIIE
BEIJING: Chinese President Xi spoke at the 3rd China International Import Expo opening. He said the COVID-19 pandemic has made the world economy more unstable. Throughout history, no matter what risks, disasters, and adversities, human society continued on and now everyone should join hands and face the challenges together.
Under the pandemic, we need to work together on promoting win-win cooperation on opening-up. The pandemic has told us that every country is part of the community with a shared future. In the midst of a major crisis, no country should be an outsider, and cooperation is the inevitable choice to tackle existing challenges. We need to work on promoting cooperation to share the responsibility of opening-up. We all share the same concerns, and every country should respect their duties instead of being egoistic and hurting the interests of other countries.
Major countries should be role models and set themselves as an example while developing countries should cooperate in opening-up and accepting responsibility to promote mutual development.
We need to work together to promote cooperation and co-governance in opening-up the global economy. Faced with the challenges brought by globalization, every country should participate in the reform of the global economic governance system in a constructive way, rather than letting unilateralism and protectionism destroy the international order and rules.
We need to insist on the principles of global governance and shared growth through discussion and collaboration in a bid to maintain the multilateral trading system, based on the World Trade Organization (WTO), and improve the rules for global economic governance.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN News exchange item