Xi calls on G20 members to promote Global development

BEIJING: As leaders of the world’s 20 major economies gather in Bali, Indonesia, the international community is expecting them to step up efforts to tackle a multitude of pressing common challenges and chart a pathway to global recovery and common development.
Delivering a speech at the 17th G20 Summit on Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on all G20 members to take the responsibility “inherent in being major international and regional players” to answer the question of our times – “what is wrong with this world, what we should do about it.” Working together to make global development more “inclusive, beneficial, resilient” is the solution given by China.
The G20 is composed of the world’s major industrial and emerging economies and represents more than 80 percent of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP), over 75 percent of international trade, and about two-thirds of the world’s population.
Facing an urgent call for a robust, well-organized and balanced collective global response to various global challenges, the Chinese president stressed that global development should be more inclusive.
“Solidarity is strength, but division leads nowhere. Living in the same global village, we should stand with each other in the face of risks and challenges,” he said.
Highlighting that global development should be beneficial to all, he stressed development is real only when all countries develop together and modernization is not a privilege reserved for any single country. As economic globalization is encountering headwinds, and the world economy is at risk of recession, he also underlined promoting resilient global development.
“We need to always keep in mind the difficulties faced by developing countries, and accommodate their concerns. China supports the African Union in joining the G20,” he said.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item