Xi congratulates Serbian president on reelection

President Xi Jinping sent a message on Tuesday to his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, congratulating him on his reelection as president of the Balkan country.

Xi said that in recent years, the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Serbia has maintained a momentum of booming development, with political mutual trust consolidated and fruitful results achieved in practical cooperation.

Faced with global changes unseen in a century, the two countries have respected each other and treated each other with equality, jointly pushed forward the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, and made positive contributions to safeguarding international fairness and justice, he said.

Xi said he highly values the development of China-Serbia relations and cherishes the good working relationship and friendship that he has established with Vucic.

He also said that he stands ready to work with Vucic to strengthen strategic communication between the two countries, enhance mutual political trust, expand and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in all fields, and guide the China-Serbia relationship to make new progress in order to benefit both countries and their peoples.

According to preliminary results published on Monday by the Serbian Republic Electoral Commission, Vucic convincingly won the presidential election, while Vucic’s ruling Serbian Progressive Party won the most votes in parliamentary elections.

Vucic was one of the heads of state who attended the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in February.

During their meeting in Beijing, Xi praised the ironclad friendship between the two countries, saying that the two countries have set a good example of international relations. -The Daily Mail-China Daily News Exchange Item