Xi elaborates vitality of Party’s fighting spirit

BEIJING: Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has underlined the need for stronger confidence in the Party’s history, heightened unity and enhanced fighting spirit, for the CPC to respond to various foreseeable and unforeseeable challenges.
Speaking during a two-day meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee the Party’s core leadership on Monday and Tuesday, Xi highlighted the Party’s history as the most vivid and convincing textbook. He underscored that the CPC will take a stronger initiative in the future as it gains a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of the course and pattern of history and gains wisdom from history.
The meeting reviewed a report on practicing the eight-point frugality rules and a report on solving the problem of formalism and reducing the burden at the grassroots level.
The meeting focused on the theme of amplifying the CPC’s founding spirit, fully understanding the historical experience of the Party’s century of struggle, shoring up confidence in history, remaining true to original aspirations and missions and living up to responsibilities on the new and testing journey.
Members of the Political Bureau spoke one after another at the meeting. They examined their own record and those of their colleagues, and shared their thoughts and insights.
They hailed Xi’s role as the helmsman in leading the Party and State in securing historic achievements and experiencing historic transformations.
The meeting called for unremitting efforts to improve the Party’s work style, highlighting risks in the recurrence of the practices of formalism and bureaucratism.
It is important to continue with self-reform, implement the Party’s eight-point frugality rules, address the practices of formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism and extravagance, and reduce the burden at the grassroots level, they said. Xi underscored at the meeting that unswerving confidence in the Party’s history is instrumental for the CPC to face new tests and deliver outstanding performances.
The CPC has been committed to seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation over the past century and promoting progress and common good in the world, which provided the Party with the greatest source of confidence in its history, he said.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item