Xi eyes closer cooperation with Indonesia

BEIJING: President Xi Jinping has called on China and Indonesia to jointly fight the COVID-19 pandemic and build a model of health cooperation, saying that China will continue to help Indonesia in its efforts to foster a regional vaccine production hub.

China will also deepen its cooperation with the Southeast Asian country in the entire industrial chain of vaccine production and the research and development of medicines, Xi said.

He made the remarks in a phone conversation on Tuesday with Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Xi said that since last year, China-Indonesia relations have made progress amid the pandemic and the two nations have built a new paradigm of bilateral cooperation with the establishment of a high-level dialogue and cooperation mechanism.

China and Indonesia are two developing countries that share the common goals of seeking development and happiness for their peoples, Xi said, pointing out that the key to achieving these goals is to get specific things done well.

He called on the two countries to align the Belt and Road Initiative with their respective development plans, promote the high-quality construction of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, and foster new growth areas such as new energy, digital economy and maritime cooperation.

China will actively participate with all-out efforts in anything that could help boost Indonesia’s development and deepen China-Indonesia cooperation, Xi said.

Noting that China highly values Indonesia’s role in regional and international affairs, Xi said that China is willing to work with Indonesia to promote economic recovery in the region and safeguard regional peace and stability.

This year, China will serve as the rotating chair of BRICS and Indonesia will chair the G20.

Xi said that China stands ready to work with Indonesia to practice true multilateralism, implement the Global Development Initiative, safeguard the interests of emerging market economies and developing countries, and contribute to global economic development and the improvement of global economic governance.

The Indonesian president said that the two countries made remarkable achievements in health and public cooperation last year and 80 percent of his country’s vaccines came from China, adding that the good relationship between Indonesia and China is because it is based on mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

Indonesia welcomes Chinese companies to invest in the country and wishes the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics success, he said. -The Daily Mail-China Daily News Exchange Item