Xi focuses on Nurturing, encouraging Children

BEIJING: “A better life for children is our biggest wish,” said Chinese President Xi Jinping as he took part in a child-focused activity ahead of International Children’s Day in 2013.
Since then, no matter how busy he is, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has always taken the time to encourage and nurture children, whether on June 1 or at any other time of year. He has talked with students in schools, attended children’s events and replied to their letters. He has also taken the time to interact with children.
The following moments are some highlights of Xi’s interactions with children over the past few years.
Children are the future of the country and the hope of the Chinese nation, Xi said when celebrating International Children’s Day with students at a primary school in 2014. He encountered a group of students who were practicing calligraphy with the characters — “Jing Zhong Bao Guo,” which translates into English as “serving the nation with absolute loyalty.”
The phrase comes from the story of Yue Fei, an ancient military commander known for his patriotism. Yue’s mother tattooed these four Chinese characters on his back to remind him of the importance of unswerving loyalty to the nation.
Xi recalled that, as a child, he was very much inspired by the story of Yue, which he learned from a picture book his mother had given him.
“This (Jing Zhong Bao Guo) has become the pursuit of my life,” Xi said as he called on the students to break new ground for China.
Xi sets great store by the intellectual development of children.
He said that children in today’s China are a new force in the endeavor of building a modern socialist country, and urged them to study hard, firm up their ideals and convictions, and develop strong bodies and minds to prepare for realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
Xi is more than pleased to catch up on the forays made by children and teenagers into science.
Back in 2016, he praised a team of middle school students for their passion in science exploration, encouraging them to stay hungry for knowledge, maintain their interest in scientific exploration and foster their scientific spirit.
The students had previously sent Xi a letter briefing him on a mini-satellite they had designed and developed. – Agencies