Xi for key role of G20 in virus combat

BEIJING: Members of the G20 should enhance their coordination in macroeconomic policies to prevent a global recession resulting from the novel coronavirus outbreak, President Xi Jinping said.
Xi made the remark while delivering a speech during the G20 Extraordinary Leaders’ Summit on COVID-19. The summit, in the form of a videoconference, is the first of its kind under the G20 framework.
Noting that novel coronavirus pneumonia is spreading around the world, Xi said that the international community should boost its confidence, make joint efforts and enhance international cooperation to strive for victory in mankind’s battle against the pandemic.
The G20 countries should implement powerful and effective fiscal and monetary policies, enhance coordination on financial supervision and jointly maintain the stability of the global industrial chain, he said.
Xi pledged that China will make greater efforts to supply medicine, daily necessities and disease prevention materials to the global market.
In order to make a contribution to stabilizing the global economy, he said, China will continue to carry out a proactive fiscal policy and stable monetary policy, promote reform and opening-up steadily, ease market access, improve the business environment, increase imports and expand outbound investment.
The president called on G20 members to take joint measures, including reducing tariffs, removing trade barriers and promoting free trade, to send a strong signal to boost the global economy.
China, which upholds the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, would like to share its experience in disease prevention and control with other countries, launch joint research and development of medicines and vaccines, and offer as much assistance as possible to countries that are affected by the disease, Xi said.
The virus knows no borders and the epidemic is the common enemy of all, Xi said, adding that the international community should join forces to build a joint prevention and control network.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item