Xi makes proposals on China-India ties

CHENNAI (INDIA): Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi continued their informal meeting in the southern Indian city of Chennai on Saturday.
The two leaders, in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, held a candid and in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and major international and regional issues of common concern.
Xi said China-India relations have entered a new phase of sound and stable development since his first informal meeting with Modi in central China’s Wuhan city last year.
As an important neighbor of each other, China and India are the only two countries with a population of more than 1 billion, Xi said, noting that maintaining and developing good relations between the two countries is China’s unwavering policy.
Under the current international circumstances, the two countries shoulder increasingly important responsibilities in safeguarding global stability and promoting development, he said, adding that the next few years will be a crucial period for China and India to realize national rejuvenation and also will be a crucial period for the development of China-India relations.
“We must hold the rudder and steer the course of China-India relations, map out a hundred-year plan for the relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, inject a strong endogenous impetus into bilateral relations, and work together to realize the great rejuvenation of our two great civilizations,” said the Chinese president.
Xi made the following proposals.
First, Xi said, China and India need to correctly view each other’s development and enhance strategic mutual trust. – Agencies