Xi seeks global co-op in virus combat

BEIJING: China will strengthen international cooperation on novel coronavirus epidemic control and continue to provide assistance within its ability to countries affected by the epidemic, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said.
Xi made the remark when presiding over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee in which members analyzed the epidemic situation at home and abroad and its challenge to economic development.
Given that the epidemic is spreading across the world, Xi said that China should work closely with the World Health Organization, intensify analysis and prediction on global epidemic development, improve measures for dealing with the risk of imported infections and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries.
Globally, the pandemic had caused 194,029 cases of infection as of Wednesday, according to the WHO.
Xi said the epidemic situation is improving at home, but China is still faced with new situations, especially the global spread of the virus as well as its negative impact on the world economy.
Prevention and control work should be firmly implemented to avoid the reversal of China’s hard-won improving epidemic situation, Xi said. Meeting participants stressed the need to improve the mechanisms of data sharing, information disclaosure and inspection of people entering China to prevent imported infections, according to a statement released after the meeting.
The meeting called for greater efforts to improve coordinating mechanisms of epidemic control strategies with other countries, enhance sharing of experience in prevention and treatment and advancing joint scientific research. Participants agreed that the epidemic control work in priority regions, especially Hubei province and Wuhan, should remain consistent and cautious.
The meeting said patients in critical condition will be concentrated in high-level hospitals for better medical treatment, and work and production in Wuhan will be gradually resumed.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item