Xi sets out new vision for Youth League

BEIJING: President Xi Jinping has put forward a new vision for the Communist Youth League of China, calling on the youth movement to better unite, organize and serve young people and encouraging the nation’s youth to dedicate their wisdom and efforts to national rejuvenation.

In a speech at a ceremony in Beijing on Tuesday marking the 100th anniversary of the CYLC, Xi urged the nation’s young people to forge ahead on the path of national rejuvenation, saying that young people in the new era were born at the right time and have great responsibilities.

The stage for young people to put their abilities to good use is more than broad, and the prospects for them to realize their dreams are more than bright, said Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.

He urged the Youth League to unite and lead its members, totaling 73.7 million by the end of last year and between the ages of 14 and 28, in firming up their ideals, shouldering their duties, enduring hardships and being ready to fight for national rejuvenation with strong motivation and creativity.

Young people from a wide range of backgrounds accounted for the majority of attendees at the celebratory meeting in the Great Hall of the People, including some representatives of the Chinese Young Pioneers, whose members are age 6 to 14. Attendees also included representatives of key national organizations.

The founding of the Youth League on May 5, 1922, was of monumental significance in the history of the Chinese revolution and the youth movement, said Xi.

Over the past 100 years, the Youth League has always stood and fought alongside the Party, and it has proved to be a worthy pioneer of China’s youth movement, a faithful assistant of the CPC and its reliable reserve, he said.

He summed up the Youth League’s key experiences over the past century, including adherence to the Party’s leadership, upholding firm ideals and beliefs, dedication to national rejuvenation and remaining firmly rooted among the nation’s young people.

The president set out his expectations for the Youth League in the new era, saying that it should always serve as a political school that leads the ideological progress of China’s young people.

–The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item