Xi to attend Winter Olympics opening ceremony

新华社照片,北京,2022年1月17日 习近平出席2022年世界经济论坛视频会议并发表演讲 1月17日,国家主席习近平在北京出席2022年世界经济论坛视频会议并发表题为《坚定信心 勇毅前行 共创后疫情时代美好世界》的演讲。 新华社记者 黄敬文 摄

BEIJING: From Feb 4 to 6, President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, hold a welcoming banquet for foreign heads of state, heads of government, members of the royal family and heads of international organizations attending the ceremony, and have relevant bilateral activities, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying made the announcement Friday. -The Daily Mail-China Daily News Exchange Item