Xi, UN chief hold videoconference

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping and United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had a videoconference on September 23.
Xi urged the international community to reaffirm their support for multilateralism and abiding commitment to the UN Charter.
Noting that COVID-19 is still ravaging the world, Xi said China firmly supports the key leadership of the UN system, especially the World Health Organization, in battling the pandemic.
China also firmly supports the UN system in strengthening international cooperation in COVID-19 prevention and containment, Xi added. The Chinese president said China will honor its commitment to make COVID-19 vaccines a global public good after putting them into use following the completion of vaccine development. China will contribute to the vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries, Xi said.
Noting the emergence of many new problems amid the pandemic, Xi said these problems are in a way or another related to peace and development.
He said the UN Security Council should play the role of a collective security mechanism and the Security Council permanent members should play an exemplary role. Pursuing unilateralism and seeking hegemony are unpopular and will surely be rejected, he added.
Xi said the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the problems of maladaptation and mismatch in the global governance system. However, all parties should think about how to improve it, instead of tearing it down and setting up another one.
In the world, there is only one system, namely the UN-centered international system, and only one set of rules — the basic norms of international relations based on the UN Charter, Xi said.
“China never pursues ideological confrontation, advocates ‘decoupling’ or seeks hegemony,” Xi said.
He also said China will not sit idly by and allow its national sovereignty, dignity and development space to be undermined. Instead, China will firmly safeguard its legitimate rights and interests and uphold international equity and justice.
The Chinese president called on all countries to rise above differences between countries, nationalities, cultures and ideologies to promote building a community with a shared future for humanity.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item