Xi’s article on IPR to be published today

BEIJING: An article by President Xi Jinping on comprehensively strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) and stimulating the vitality of innovation to foster a new development paradigm will be published Monday.
The article by Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will be published in this year’s third issue of the Qiushi Journal. Innovation is the primary driving force behind development, and protecting IPR is equal to protecting innovation, Xi stresses in the article. IPR protection matters to the modernization of China’s governance system and capacity, high-quality development, people’s happiness, the country’s opening up and national security, the article adds. The article says China has made historic achievements in IPR protection.
China is changing from a big IPR importer to a big IPR producer, and from pursuing IPR quantity to improving quality, the article notes.
The article highlights the need to comprehensively strengthen IPR protection from the perspective of national strategy, so as to promote the building of a modernized economy, stimulate the innovation vitality of the whole society, and foster a new development paradigm. The article points out that Party committees and governments at all levels should make concrete efforts to improve the coordination mechanism of IPR protection, and attach importance to the training of IPR professionals. – Agencies