Youngsters must be aware of Kashmiris’ struggle: Fakhar

By Abid Usman

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Parliamentary Committee for Kashmir Affairs Syed Fakhar Imam Tuesday said that new generations must be aware from the sacrifices given by the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir for freedom.
Addressing an event organized here by the Air University Islamabad to express solidarity with the people of Indian Occupied Kashmir, he said that the India had converted the entire occupied valley into a worlds biggest Jail. Syed Fakhar furthered that Pakistanis were firmly stand with the innocent people of Kashmiri.
He said that the people of Kashmir were victimized of state terrorism by India. The people of occupied valley have been deprived from the basic necessities like education, health and internet, he lamented. Pakistan and Kashmir were connected by heart with each others, he added.
e said that Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi had a criminal background, as he remained involved in muslim genocide when he was Chief Minister of Indian Gujrat. Now as a prime minister of India he has also repeated his history by imposing ban in Occupied Valley, he added.
Pakistan, he said, after pulwama attack drama launched by India, had defeated Indian Air Force. “Pakistani forces were best in the world as they defeated India recently by downing shots of their two jets” he remarked.
The future of the world was high-tech and digitilization, he said and urged the students to focus on this sector by new innovations.