Youth vital for socio-economic development: Asad Qaiser

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser has said that 150 million young people are Pakistan’s greatest asset and utilizing this potential appropriately would help achieve socio-economic development of the country. He said that the aforesaid objective could only be realized through providing access to high-quality education and skill development in the country. While addressing the International Virtual Conference on Pakistan-United Kingdom (UK) Education Gateway through video link, in Islamabad on Tuesday, he said that the government is fully committed to the cause and aims to generate an educated workforce, build empathy and tolerance and rapidly improve Pakistan’s positioning in the global market. He said that a substantial allocation of Rs.160 million had been made as an investment in our youth’s development through the Knowledge Economy.
He commended the tremendous work done by the British High Commission and the British Council Pakistan in collaboration with the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan in building opportunities for the advancement of higher education, research and development. Appreciating the launch of GREAT awards and British Council STEM schemes this year, adding to the number of awards for Pakistani students, the Speaker said that it would largely impact the education and skills development in Pakistan. He expressed gratitude towards the joint team executing this brilliant 9- Million-pound project – the British council and the HEC. “Your work deeply impresses me, and I feel proud of the achievements of the Pak-UK Education Gateway and its rapid response to uncertain times of 2020”, he added.
Sharing his work experience with British Council education team while he was Speaker provincial Assembly, Asad Qaiser said that the British Council team kept the connection alive and made the KPK government able to scale up the wound full work around schools, skills, universities, governance and capacity building of senior leaders in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.