YouTubers, Tik-Tokers banned in Parliament House

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: National Assembly Secretariat has banned the entry of unauthorized social media Influencers, YouTubers, Tiktokers in the precincts of Parliament House.
The banned imposed as a consequence of an incident of misbehavior with parliamentarians by some unauthorized YouTubers/social media influencers at Gate No.1 of Parliament House on December 23, 2022.
These YouTubers entered in the precincts of Parliament House without authorized entry.
The same incident was also conveyed to President Press Reporters’ Association (PRA) to seek PRA stance in this regard. The PRA formally conveyed that it is only responsible for its members and PRA detached itself from youtubers and social media influencers.
Furthermore, PRA also decided to ensure a ban on entry of unauthorized individuals in in the Press Gallery and Press Lounge of the House.
It was, further ,also decided by National Assembly Secretariat that entry of only those reporters, journalists, Media personnel would be allowed who are associated with Accredited Media Organizations along with Valid Registration card of concerned Media organisation.
Social Media influencers who are interested to cover the proceedings of the House may accredit themselves with PID and have valid session card for entry in the Parliament House.