YPG terrorists target civilians in Syria

JARABLUS: YPG terrorists on Monday targeted civilians in northern Jarablus, an area liberated by a Turkish operation, from Manbij province, where the terrorists still pose a threat.
The YPG terrorists, PKK’s Syrian affiliate, who had to withdraw from Manbij under a 2019 deal between Turkey and Russia, wounded three civilians in a Grad missile attack.
The missiles hit civilian settlements, causing material damage, while the number of wounded is still being assessed and likely to grow.
In October 2019, Russia expressed commitment to removing the terrorist group from Tal Rifaat and Manbij after reaching an agreement with Turkey during Operation Peace Spring. Moscow also promised that the terrorists would be removed 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) from the border near the M4 highway and the area outside the Operation Peace Spring area. –Agencies