Zardari, Bilawal to decide Sindh caretaker setup

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal Bhutto will begin their consultations for interim setup in Sindh from today (Friday), said sources.
According to sources, Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah and senior provincial ministers will share their points of view over Sindh caretaker setup with the People’s Party’s top leadership.
Sindh government sources said that the government has considered over three names for the caretaker chief minister’s office and these names will be presented to the party leadership. Moreover, 18 prominent persons from various sectors have been interviewed for the caretaker cabinet of the province, according to sources.
The government will initiate talks over the caretaker setup with the MQM after concluding consultation within the ruling party.
The leader of opposition in Sindh Assembly Rana Ansar and Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah are expected to hold a meeting for talks over the interim setup next week.
It is mandatory under the constitution to decide about Sindh caretaker chief minister and the cabinet with consultations between the government and the opposition.