Zartaj hails Denish remarks on Pakistan’s Green initiatives

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul lauded the Danish government for its interest in Pakistan’s green initiatives and furthering it through enhanced collaboration in the shape of transfer of technology and capacity-building of the relevant sectors for effective implementation of the Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision. Danish Ambassador Lis Rosenholm on Thursday called on Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul Wazir and conveyed her government’s interest to join and support various green initiatives launched under the Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision for Clean Green Pakistan. “Both sides agreed to boost bilateral cooperation and joint working for learning from each other’s green initiatives related to forestry, renewable energy, energy efficiency, vertical gardening initiatives and water management,” Climate Change Ministry media spokesperson Muhammad Saleem Shaikh said in a press statement while sharing various aspects of the bilateral meeting held at the climate change ministry.
“However, the Danish Ambassador and minister of state Zartaj Gul resolved to deepen further Pakistan-Denmark relations through enhanced cooperation and collaboration in, among others, forestry, renewable energy, water and disaster management through jointly working towards Prime Minister’s world-acclaimed vision for clean, green and climate-resilient Pakistan,” he added.
Danish ambassador told the state minister Zartaj Gul that Danish government, which is committed to global climate and environmental sustainability actions, is deeply appreciative of the stimulating vision of PM Khan for Clean Green and environmentally-sustainable and resilient Pakistan.
Ambassador was also impressed with Clean Green Pakistan programme and various green projects initiated under the vision, specially one of the world’s largest ambitious 10 Billion Tree Tsunami Programme (TBTTP) Ecosystem Restoration Initiative for promotion of nature-based solutions, Protected Areas Initiative for conservation and protection of the environmentally-sensitive and biodversity-rich wildlife areas.