Zil Hajj Moon sighted

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Muslims in Pakistan will celebrate Eid ul Adha on June 17, the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Commit-tee announced on Friday after sighting the Zil Hajj moon.
The moon sighting committee was chaired by Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee Chairman Maulana Ab-dul Khabeer Azad, with central and zonal committees’ members, and representatives of SUPARCO, Met Office and Ministry of Religious Affairs in attendance.
Meanwhile, sub-committees in Lahore, Peshawar and other cities also convened in there respective areas to gather testimonies.
Earlier, Peshawar and Quetta zonal committees also announced that the crescent was spotted in re-spective cities.
Eid ul Adha falls on the tenth day of Zil Hajj, which also marks the Hajj pilgrimmage, and Muslims in Pa-kistan are expected to celebrate the occassion on June 17, as the moon will likely be sighted today.
Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries marked the beginning of lunar month, which is the last month in Muslim calender yesterday (June 6).
As per Chief Meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz, Zil Hajj new moon was born on Thursday evening and there are “strong chances” of the crescent being sighted today evening.
With Eid ul Adha just around the corner, cattle markets have been set up in different areas for people to purchase cows, goats, sheep, or camels for sacrifice.