Zulfi asks CWAs to compile data of stranded Pakistanis

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development (OP&HRD) Sayed Zulfikar Abbas Bukhari on Monday stressed for compiling data of Pakistanis, stranded abroad due to coronavirus pandemic.
He said the initiative will eventually help resolve stranded Pakistanis specific issues due to closure of international flight operations and expiry of their visas in different countries. Zulfi Bukhari directed the Community Welfare Attaches in their respective foreign countries to compile data of all stranded Pakistanis to effectively deal with issues in wake of lockdown in different countries.
The SAPM conveyed the direction to the CWAs through a teleconference which had been arranged by the OP&HRD ministry here to discuss specific issues faced by the Pakistani expatriates in the different countries. He asked the CWAs to intensify their efforts to ensure maximum relief to those overseas Pakistanis who had been stuck in various countries due to closure of international flight operations and expiry of their visas.
The medical supplies including masks, sanitizers and gloves should be provided to every stranded Pakistani, he added. The CWAs apprised the SAPM of the steps taken by the Pakistani consulate generals and embassies to facilitate the repatriation process of Pakistani nationals. They also shared details about the ration distribution among the Pakistani community and transportation of dead bodies to Pakistan.