IGP pins rank badges on newly promoted 91 Sub Inspectors

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: According to the details, following the special directives of the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi, a series of departmental promotions are underway in Islamabad Police.
In this regard, a prestigious ceremony was held to promote new officers to the rank of Sub Inspector at Police Lines Headquarters Islamabad.
IGP Islamabad Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi graced the event as a special guest, while senior police officers, and the families of newly promoted inspectors were also present on this occasion.
IG Islamabad pins rank badges to newly promoted 91 Assistant Sub-Inspectors to the rank of Sub In-spector, he congratulates them, and expresses good wishes for their future endeavors.
On this occasion, IGP Islamabad welcomed and congratulated the police officers and their families who participated in the ceremony.
I salute your hard work, dedication, bravery, and courage, he added.
My prayer is that whatever promotion you have achieved, may Allah Almighty give you the grace to do justice with it. May your children consider you their hero, may your mother feel proud of you.
We will try our best to bring happiness to your families, to provide you with promotion and rewards, to end the punishments given to you, but in return, you have to do one thing, and that is to fulfill the promise you made, which is to eliminate crime, to provide immediate justice to the citizens, to ensure the safety of their lives and property, he added.
He further said that the only way to please Allah Almighty is to create ease for His servants. By the grace and kindness of Allah, this department belongs to the ghazis and martyrs.
We are not afraid to become ghazi, nor are we afraid to become martyrs. Only tales of bravery come to mind.
At the end, he said that promotion is a trust from Allah, this is a sacred department, the responsibility of which must be fulfilled in any case, and in no way have we shown any reluctance.
Moreover, the families of the newly promoted officers were also specially invited to the ceremony on the special directives of IG Islamabad.
IG Islamabad said that organizational promotion is the basic right of every police officer. All officers who have passed the courses of organizational promotion will be promoted to vacant seats according to their seniority, and this process will continue until all vacant seats are filled.