Indian Navy court martials 2 Navy sailors for raping minor

Two sailors have been convicted by a Navy Court Martial of raping and blackmailing a minor girl and sentenced to 12 and 15 years of rigorous imprisonment.

The two men, arrested in July 2015, have also been dismissed from service. Their identities were not revealed.

“A case of alleged sexual offence by two naval sailors against a minor girl had been reported. The case was investigated in detail and a court martial was constituted.

“The court martial has found both sailors guilty and sentenced them to rigorous imprisonment for 12 years and 15 years, respectively, and dismissed from naval service,” a defence spokesperson said today.

Besides relevant sections of IPC, the duo was also tried under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.

“The naval trial ensured safeguards, including protection of the identity of the victim as per POCSO Act of 2012. Further, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, other details of the case are not being disclosed,” the spokesperson said.

The two Navy personnel and a defence employee were arrested in July 2015 on charges of repeatedly raping and blackmailing a minor girl here, police said.

According to the police, the victim was in a relationship with one of the accused. In 2014, they parted ways and the girl got engaged to another person.

“However, the accused started blackmailing her and demanded sexual favours from her. They threatened that if she does not agree to their demands, they would inform her fiance (about her past relationship). Following the threats, the girl succumbed to their demands,” they said.

They repeatedly raped her since January 2015.