The Indian Bull in China Shop

-China tastes RAW deal in Tibet
By Makhdoom Babar
(Additional reporting by Christina Palmer and Sally Stewart in New Delhi, Sandra Johnson in Washington DC, Alec Smith in London and Meerza Arsalan in Nepal)

While the Chinese government is trying to sort out all its disputes with India through dialogue, the Indian Intelligence Agency, the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has adopted a contrary stance on the directions of Delhi and is going all out to destabilize and defame China through a variety of plans and the recent wave of riots in Tibet was one of these plans, reveal the findings of The Daily Mail’s investigations.The Daily Mail’s investigations unearth that RAW has established a terrorist training camp, 25 kilometers, north of the Indian border town of Dharamshala, a place where Indian government is hosting a so-called government in exile by Tibetan defiant monk, Dalai Lama for the past few years. At this camp, RAW’s Special Operations Division, trains young Tibetan males and females about carrying out subversive acts and use of small and big arms and ammunitions and other relevant activities that also include self immolation and even the suicide attacks, on the pattern of Japanese Hara Kari while the mob attacks and violent rallying is also taught.
These investigations indicate that RAW, under the cover of a so-called NGO, named Raksha (The Defense) established a self defense training facility at a small building at Dharamshala downtown, a few years back. The facility offered short courses of self defence, with duration of six to eight weeks. In the beginning, only local boys and girls were admitted to this institution and were trained about self defence tactics. However, with the passage of time, Dharamshala based Tibetan youngsters were also offered admissions. In the meantime, the facility was shifted from Dharamshala to some 25 kilometers in the north at a deserted place in the woods. It is learnt that at the said facility, now there are some 200 to 300 young Tibetans, getting “Self Defence” training with no local student at all. It was further revealed that all the Tibetan, getting the terrorist training at this RAW establishment, are given 10 extra marks at government run Schools, Colleges and Universities across India. Though, apparently this training facility is being run by a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), yet common people are not authorized to enter the camp premises and any aspiring journalist has got to go through a lot of complicated process to carry out a visit to the facility. The movement in the vicinity of the facility was made restricted after a US satellite spotted the camp with the presence of arms and ammunition dumps and other explosives and later this news found some place in a leading US magazine, though, surely by “mistake”, in 2007.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that the activities at this terrorists training camp of RAW got a new momentum and pace and RAW’s Special Operations Division’s Chief, Chotta Rajan was given the command. Rajan is actually commanding similar camps in Afghanistan since 2001 but was given the additional duty of managing the Dharamshala camp as well. After SOD took full command of this camp, the number of both the trainers and trainees was increased considerably increased. Our findings reveal that after being placed under command of RAW’s SOD, some female shooting experts, belonging to a militant Hindu extremists’ organization, Durga Vahini, were also inducted amongst the training staff at the camp. In December 2007, SOD Chief, Chotta Rajan organized a “Special Training Course” on the snow covered hills of Dhauladhar Ranges. At this sub-camp, young Tibetans were given special training for operations in snow covered areas and they were also trained to face the extreme climatic conditions during operations.
It is learnt further that the number registration of Tibetan youngsters at this camp was dramatically increased after some top RAW officials held several rounds of meeting with the President of Tibetan Youth Congress Mr. Tsewang Rigzin at Kangra, Dharamkot, Dalhousi and Delhi at different occasions during 2007. It is learnt further that the Tibetan Youth Congress was founded and is being comprehensively sponsored by RAW. The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that the basic aim of RAW behind establishing this setup at Dharamshala was to initiate an insurgency movement in Tibet ton engage Main focus of Chinese government to this region and once done, then to initiate a comprehensive separatist movement in China’s Xinjiang province through East Turkistan Islamic Movement via Afghanistan and Pakistan (A special Investigative report over this issue would be published in The Daily Mail very soon).
This though was a long term plan but just last year, Delhi ordered RAW to come up with a short term plan to tarnish China’s image across the globe to jeopardize Beijing’s hosting of Olympic Games of 2008. It is understood that these directions of Delhi had comprehensive connivance of certain anti-China forces of the West. Responding to this given task, RAW straight away moved its SOD and assigned the duties the SOD Chief.
It is learnt that 10th of March 2008 was fixed as a target date to initiate the master plan, code named Operation “Ashes on Snow”. The training launched on war footings and according to reports, from August 2007 to February 2008, RAW’s SOD succeed in preparing at least 3000 to 5000 young Tibetan Chinese, inhabiting in Indian territories.
They were trained in different groups with different methodologies and to operate in different fields. It is learnt that they were trained to carry out large scale and small scale subversive activities, plain and bus hijackings, kidnappings, firing with small arms weapons, bomb making, bombing and also the suicide bombing while training of outrageous violent protests and mob attacks and ransacking was part of the Common Training Program for all groups. According to some reports, the SOD officials carried out these training programs on the pattern of the programs that RAW used for the training of Maoist Rebels in Nepal and LTTE militants in Sri Lanka in the decade of 80s.
It is learnt that some 500 specially trained OPERATVES were sent to Tibet in the third week of February 2008 while 2 senior SOD officials also infiltrated to Tibet vicinity to monitor the functioning of the trained operatives.
These operatives were given different tasks, in accordance with their training programs, however, the first and the basic task for all the groups was to organize mob assaults, violent protest rallies and to carry out small scale subversive action. They were also tasked to generate more and more like-minded youngsters to and organize a mob force on one platform.
Back in India, the arrangements were made to organize protest rallies at Delhi and Dharamshala. At Delhi, in a bid to save image internationally, the Indian authorities ordered police to baton –charge and disperse the protesting Tibetans when they tried to attack the embassy of People’s Republic of China in New Delhi.
However, on the other side, the Superintendent of Police of Kangra, the District in which the town of Dharamshala is located, was ordered to escort and accommodate the anti-China rallies by Tibetans in his area. The daily Mail’s findings further reveal that Television crews of a leading US and a famous British TV Channels, along with some very selected correspondents of British, American, French, German and Japanese News Agencies and newspapers were flown to Gaggal Airport of district Kangra through special arrangements, just a one night before the protest rallies were held at Dharamshala.
It is believed that this is just the beginning of RAW deal for China via Tibet and the trained “operatives are bound to carry out more operations in different parts of China in coming few months. RAW Operation Ashes on Snow might be over, but one can easily figure out how many operations are definitely going to be there in the pipeline.